Tuning and Editing Channels42Skip unwanted Analogue channels, Edit Analogue channels [Channel List]You can hide unwanted Analogue channels.The hidden channels cannot be displayed except in this function. Use this function to skip unwanted channels.Select a channel and [reveal] / [hide]Analogue Channel List1234567BBC1****************************** [reveal] / [hide]select To reveal all channels(yellow): [reveal]: [hide] (skip) To edit channelsYou can also edit each channel in Channel List. To retune each channel ([Manual Tuning]) (see below)(red) To move the channel positionSelect the new position Store(green) (green) To rename the channel nameSet characters (maximum : five characters) Store(blue) Edit channel nameNameA B C D E F G H I J K L M NU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6a b c d e f g h i j k l m nu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _O P Q R S T7 8 9 ! : #o p q r s t1.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0selectset To use numeric buttons“Characters table for numeric buttons” (p. 74)3 ITV 23:35itvAll Analogue ChannelsCH23Channel positionChannel nameNote If a VCR is connected only with the RF cable, edit [VCR].Set Analogue channel manually [Manual Tuning][Fine Tuning]Use to make small adjustments to the tuning of an individual programme (affected by weather conditions, etc.)[Manual Tuning]Set Analogue channel manually after Auto Setup. If a VCR is connected only with the RF cable, it is recommended to select channel position [0].1 99 21 41CH331 BBC1Fine TuningManual TuningAnalogue Manual TuningExample :1 Select the channel position 2 Select the channel 3 Search and storejklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyzabc defstoresearch