11.2 CleaningWipe the product with a soft, dry cloth.For excessive dirt, wipe the product with a moist cloth.Important:R Do not use any cleaning products that containalcohol, polish powder, powder soap, benzine,thinner, wax, petroleum, or boiling water. Also donot spray the product with insecticide, glasscleaner, or hair spray. This may cause a changein colour or quality of the product.When cleaning the displayUse a soft, dry cloth to clean the display, making sure notto scratch its surface.Note:R Before cleaning the display, we recommend you usethe “Cleaning” setting (8.1 Changing the roommonitor’s settings (Page 23)) to disable the displaytemporarily.11.3 Open source software noticeParts of this product use open source software suppliedbased on the relevant conditions of the Free SoftwareFoundation’s GPL and/or LGPL and other conditions.Please read all licence information and copyright noticesrelated to the open source software used by this product.This information is available at the following web page:http://panasonic.net/pcc/support/intercom/vn1900At least three (3) years from delivery of this product,Panasonic Corporation will give to any third party whocontacts us at the contact information provided below,for a charge of no more than the cost of physicallydistributing source code, a complete machine-readablecopy of the corresponding source code and the copyrightnotices covered under the GPL and the LGPL. Pleasenote that software licensed under the GPL and the LGPLis not under warranty.http://panasonic.net/pcc/support/intercom/vn19002911. Other information