7.1 Viewing the phonebookYou can add the rooms you call frequently to the roommonitor’s phonebook for easy calling.Follow this procedure to view your phonebook.1 From the home screen, tap “Talk”.2 Tap “Call” on the left side of the screen.3 Tap in the on-screen keypad.R A list of available items is displayed.4 Browse the phonebook as needed.R To perform an operation for a specific item, tapthe item.5 When finished, tap .Features available while viewing the phonebook– “Call”: Calls the selected item.– “Add”: Allows you to add a new item to thephonebook.– “Edit”: Allows you to edit the selected item.– “Delete”: Deletes the selected item.– “Delete All”: Deletes all items in the phonebook.Limitations162 items can be saved in the phonebook. To save moreitems, you must first delete existing items.7.2 Adding entries1 From the home screen, tap “Talk”.2 Tap “Call” on the left side of the screen.3 Tap in the on-screen keypad.4 Tap an empty memory location, or tap “Add”.5 Tap the desired field (first name, last name, or roomnumber) and enter the desired party’s information.R Up to 6 characters can be entered for the firstname and last name.R After entering information, tap outside of theon-screen keyboard or keypad to close it.6 Tap “Save” to save the information.R To add a room monitor installed in another roomin your residence, enter “#” and the extensionnumber (0–4) as the room number.7 When finished, tap .227. . Phonebook features7. Phonebook features