83UF-9000JUN 2004Ver. 2.0DP-180/190082 JAM Length 1 = 1 m2 = 2 mSelects the maximum length of the original that canbe scanned.083 Not Used084 Line As No Paper 1 = Ring (ring)2 = Busy (keep line busy)Selects whether to ring or send a busy tone to theremote station when the recording paper runs out orthe unit cannot receive because of any trouble.085~086Not Used087 Darker Level 0 = Lightest Contrast~15 = Darkest ContrastSelects the contrast level.0← →15Lightest← →Darkest088 Normal Level089 Lighter Level090~091Not Used092 Smoothing 1 = Off2 = OnSelects whether the smoothing function is available.093 ~094Not Used095 Reduction Ratio (70-100) Selects Print Reduction Ratio(%).096 ~101Not Used102 Book Top Feed -30~+30Adjustment of original registration detection timing.103 Book End Feed -9~0Adjustment of trail edge void.104~109Not Used110 MAC Address Indicates the MAC Address.111 Not Used112 Insert EMAIL TXT 1 = Off2 = OnSelects whether the Text Template (email message)is programmable and added on all email sent in themessage body above the top line of text. (Up to 40characters Programmed in the User Parameters.)Note:After enabling this feature, aside from enteringthe text in the User Parameters, it also has to beactivated in each Auto Dial Number before it willtake effect. It does not work for Direct DialedNumbers.113~114Not Used115 Time Zone 1 = Scroll2 = DirectSelects the setting method for Time Zone.Scroll : Allows using "Scroll Keys" to scrollthrough the Time Zone Table.Direct : Allows you to input the Time Zonedirectly, (*) key to be used as a switchbetween +/-.116 OverwriteWarning1 = Yes2 = NoSelects whether the Overwrite Warning is includedon the Internet FAX Result Receipt whenprogramming the Auto Dialer via email.Function Parameter TableNo. Parameter Selections Function