37Customer InformationCleaning the TelevisionCabinet and Picture Tube CareThe cabinet and picture tube canbe kept in good condition bywiping with a clean, lint free clothmoistened with mild detergentand water. For safety, removethe plug from the power outletwhen cleaning.Do not spray insecticide orvolatile solvent on the TV. Donot allow rubber and vinylproducts to stay in contact withthe TV for long periods of time.They may cause changes inpaint quality.Do not place the TV in humid ordusty locations, or areasexposed to smoke or steam.Avoid exposing the television todirect sunlight or any othersources of direct heat.Do not stand or place heavyobjects on top of the television.Locating the TelevisionCaring for the TelevisionCaring for the Remote ControlThe lens of the Remote Control should be kept clean and free of dirt and grease. Use a soft cloth moistenedwith water and a mild detergent to keep the lens clean.LensRemote ControlThis television contains manyplastic parts. For this reason DoNot use benzene, thinners orany solutions containingpetroleum or other chemicals.Remove dirt and soiling bywiping with a soft cloth. Even ifthe television is heavily soileddo not apply cleaner directly tothe unit. Soak a cloth in asolution of neutral cleanserthinned with water. Wring outthe cloth, wipe the televisionclean and finish by wiping with adry cloth.Adequate ventilation isessential. Allow a gap of at least10cm around the TV, even in acabinet or between shelves.Do not subject the TV to anyphysical shocks. Always removeany connector cables whenmoving the TV. When movingthe TV from one place toanother wrap it in somethingprotective.