18Geomagnetic Correction1. If geomagnetic changes still cause colour patches on the screen even after the TV is installed, turn the power off and turn back onagain after about 30 minutes.2. Adjustment for geomagnetism should be performed every time the location of the TV is changed.3. In some cases colour patches will not be completely eliminated even after adjustment, particularly in ferro-concrete buildings andother structures susceptible to geomagnetism. In these cases adjust by changing the installation location.Helpful HintThe power should be off when determining theinstallation location and direction.At this time please verify what direction the TVscreen is to face (direction indicated by the arrow).Press the main power switch.Slight tilting of the picture may be noticeable or coloured patches may sometimes appear at the corners of the screen(colour purity). The Geomagnetic Correction feature can be used to eliminate them, if necessary.Geomagnetic corrections can be made from the remote control or the TV set.FPower ON(Remote Control)1.Press the SET UP button.2.Select the Geomagnetic correctionmenu by pressing .E X I TGEOMAGNETIC CORRECTIONRETURN TV/AVADJUST TILTSET UPPICTURESOUNDSET UPOperation from remote control1.Press the F ( FUNCTION ) buttont o a c c e s s t h e G e o m a g n e t i ccorrection menu.GEOMAGNETIC CORRECTION–, + : ADJUST TILTF : TO EXITFSTR TV/AV– / +/(TV set)STR F –/ +/ TV/AVOperation from the TVF3.P r e s s t h eF( FUNCTION )button to exit theG e o m a g n e t i ccorrection menu.NormalViewing4.Press the TV/AVbutton to exit theG e o m a g n e t i ccorrection menu.TV/AVNormalViewing3.Press or toadjust the picturetilt or colouredpatches asnecessary.+ 002–/ +/2. Press –/ or +/ toadjust the picture tiltor coloured patchesas necessary.+ 002– / + :F :