20ASPECT ControlsPress the ASPECT to move through the four aspect options: JUST, 4:3, ZOOM and 16:9.Notes:• The screen modes (JUST/4:3/ZOOM/16:9) are selectable manually (wide-aspect modes are not automaticallyselected if a wide-screen signal is applied).• During Aspect change, the displayed picture will momentarily disappear. This is not a malfunction.The on screen selector keys (corresponding to the two coloured buttons on the remote control) will appear forsome Aspect functions and disappear after a few seconds. If you would like to select an operation when the keysare not shown, press the ASPECT button once more and the keys will reappear.JUSTJUST mode will display a 4:3 picture at maximum size but with aspect correction applied to the center of the screenso that elongation is only apparent at the left and right edges of the screen. The size of the picture will depend onthe original signal.JUST4:34:3 will display a 4:3 picture at its standard 4:3 size without any stretching. Black stripes will be visible down the leftand right sides of the picture.4 : 34 : 3ZOOMZOOM mode magnifies the central section of the picture.Press the yellow or blue buttons to move the picture vertically (useful when there are sub-titles positioned belowthe picture).Blue button has been pressedto move picture upwardsZOOMZOOMV-POS− V-POS+ V-POS− V-POS+ V-POS− V-POS+ZOOM ZOOMYellow button has been pressedto move picture downwards16:916:9 will display the picture at its maximum size but with slight stretching.16 : 916 : 9