15(Male)ConnectionsSERIAL Terminals connectionNotes:• Use the RS-232C straight cable to connect the computer tothe Display.• The computer shown is for example purposes only.• Additional equipment and cables shown are not supplied withthis set.COMPUTERD-sub 9p (Female)RS-232C Straight cableThe SERIAL terminal is used when the Display is controlled by a computer.The SERIAL terminal conforms to the RS-232C interfacespecification, so that the Display can be controlled by a computerwhich is connected to this terminal.The computer will require software which allows the sendingand receiving of control data which satisfies the conditionsgiven below. Use a computer application such as programminglanguage software. Refer to the documentation for the computerapplication for details.NotesIf multiple commands are transmitted, be sure to waitfor the response for the first command to come from thisunit before sending the next command.If an incorrect command is sent by mistake, this unit willsend an ER401 command back to the computer.••Basic format for control dataThe transmission of control data from the computer starts withan STX signal, followed by the command, the parameters, andlastly an ETX signal in that order. If there are no parameters,then the parameter signal does not need to be sent.STX C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 ETX:Start(02h)3-charactercommand (3 bytes)Colon Parameter(s)(1-5 bytes)End(03h)Communication parametersSignal level RS-232C compliantSynchronization method AsynchronousBaud rate 9600 bpsParity NoneCharacter length 8 bitsStop bit 1 bitFlow control -Pin No. Details2 RXD3 TXD5 GND4 • 6 Non use7 • 8 Non use1 • 9 NCSignal names for D-sub 9P connectorThese signal names are those of computer specifications.Communication parametersCommand Parameter Control detailsPON None Power ONPOF None Power OFFAVL ** Volume 00 - 63AMT 0 Audio MUTE OFF1 Audio MUTE ONIMS NoneRF1AV1AV2YU1HD1HD2HD3PC1Input select (toggle)RF inputAV1 inputAV2 inputYPbPr inputHDMI 1 inputHDMI 2 inputHDMI 3 inputPC inputDAM NoneFULLJUSTNORMScreen mode select (toggle)16:9JUST4:3With the power off, this display responds to PONcommand only.1345 2876 9Pin layout for SERIAL Terminal