42DISPLAYANGLEPAUSEASPECT TV/VIDEO MUTESLEEP CH VOLTVMENUENTERRETURNPLAYDVDMENUTOP MENUSTOPSKIP SLOW/SEARCHOPENCLOSEPOWERBasic playBefore enjoying DVD/Video CD/CDThe On-Screen menu language of your player has beenfactory preset to English.You can change the menu language to French, Spanish.Refer to “Selecting On-Screen Display menu language” onpage 59.In the explanations given below it is assumed that Englishhas been selected as the menu language.PLAYOPENCLOSEPOWERASPECTR-STANDBYG-POWER ONPOWERTV/VIDEO VOLUME CHANNELPOWER STOP PLAY OPENCLOSE4 Press PLAY to displayed as follows.R e a d i n gC l o s eO p e n123Press POWER to switch on the power.(See page 20.)Recalling/clearing a markerPress OPEN CLOSE toopen the disc tray.The disc tray is automatically closed and play begins.• When the disc tray is closed by pressing OPEN CLOSE, pressPLAY to start play.• When a menu screen appears on the TV monitorIn the case of many movie DVDs,an interactive DVD or Video CDwith playback control, a menuscreen appears on the TV monitor.Perform step 5 to start play.Place the disc on the disc tray with thelabel side to be played facing upwards.(If the disc has a label)Hold the disc without touching either of its surfaces, positionit with the label side to be played facing upward, align it withthe guides, and place it in position.a 8 cm disc b 12 cm discLovers BirdsDogs CastlesT I T L E M E N U(Example of DVD)