27AUDIO ADJUSTNORMAL000AUTOONMODEBASSTREBLEBALANCESURROUNDSTEREO SAP MONOAudio AdjustmentsPress the TV MENU button to display the MENU screen and select ADJUST.12Press to select to AUDIO ADJUST.Press to display the AUDIO ADJUST screen.AutoAutomatically adjusts quietsound and loud sound forease of listening.STANDARDEmits the original sound.DYNAMICGives contrast to sound.MUSIC 1For programs consistingmainly of music. Enhanceshigh sounds (around 4 kHz).MUSIC 2Enhances high sounds evenmore. (Recommended forthose who ha ve slighthearing deficiencies.)Press to select the menu to adjust each item.Select the desired level by listening to thesound.ENTERENTERMENUADJUSTPICTUREAUDIOSET UPPICTURE ADJUSTPOSITION / SIZEAUDIO ADJUSTAUTOSTANDARDDYNAMICMUSIC 1MUSIC 2BASSAdjusts low soundsTREBLEAdjusts high soundsBALANCEAdjust left and rightvolumesSURROUNDTo enjoy a concert halleffect, turn SURROUNDto ON. During stereosound or soft playing:Note:When VSS* is enabledd u r i n g DV D m o d e ,selections will rotate asfollows:Selecting STEREO/SAP/MONO.(See next page)OFF VSS1 VSS2Note:* Virtual Surround Sound (VSS) (See page 11, 28)TVMENU Press TV MENU button.• To end adjustmentsENTERTo reset to standard setting,select NORMALIZE with the up and down buttons and press ENTER.To adjust settings individually , press the AV up and down button to select thedesired menu and adjust using the left and right buttons.