76(see Note 1)(see Note 2) (see Note 3)156 PRINT FORWARDEDDOCUMENT*1 Inc. only Selecting whether a memory received fax or email to be forwardedis always printed or only when forwarding is incomplete.2 Always157 TRANSACTIONJOURNAL*1 Invalid Selecting whether the machine sends a transaction journal to thepre-programmed email address.2 Valid158 PC REMOTEUPDATE *1 InvalidSelecting whether the machine will accept commands from anemail application, to: (See page 46 to 62)(a) Program the Internet Parameters(b) Program the Auto Dialer(c) Allow retrieval of the Journal2 Valid159 SUBJECT LINE ENTRY *1 Invalid Selecting whether the "Subject" line can be programmed duringeach transmission.2 Valid160 DEFAULT DOMAIN 1 Invalid Selecting whether the machine accepts to insert the DefaultDomain (See page 41) when entering Manual Number Dialing.*2 Valid161 DNS SERVER 1 Invalid Selecting whether to use the DNS Server for the Internetcommunication.*2 Valid162 TIFF VIEWER URL 1 None Selecting whether to include the URL address in the emailmessage body.*2 English3 English+Japanese163 ROUTING HEADER *1 Invalid Selecting whether to add the Header Print information of theRouting Station on the top edge of each routed pages.2 Valid164 IFAX XMT HEADER(Email only) *1 IncludedSelecting whether to include the header when sending a documentto an addressee in the same Domain as specified in the DefaultDomain parameter. (This is useful when using the machine to scandocuments back to your PC)Note: When sending to a Domain other than as specified in theDefault Domain parameter, the header will be includedregardless of the selection.2 Not included1. Setting number marked with asterisk (*) indicates the factory standard setting.2. This parameter (No. 036) supports an optional telephone service "Distinctive Ring Service" provided by your localtelephone company. It allows up to 4 different telephone numbers to be assigned on a single telephone line with adistinctive ring for each telephone number. By selecting the appropriate ring pattern associated with the telephonenumber assigned for your fax machine. It can differentiate and answer the incoming call on the fax number. Allother calls on the other telephone numbers will not be answered. This optional service from your local phonecompany is also called Custom Ringing, Distinctive Ringing, Ident-a-call, Ident-a-ring, Personalized Ringing,RingMaster, RingMate, Selective Ringing, Smart Ring or something similar. Check with your local telephonecompany on the availability of this service in your area.3. When this parameter (No. 147) is set to "Valid" (default), POP is selected as your email retrieval protocol. The G3Fax Gateway function in this case is disabled since it requires SMTP.No. Parameter SettingNumber Setting CommentsCustomizing Your MachineNote:Note: