157Relayed TransmissionGeneral DescriptionThe Internet Relayed Transmission feature can save you time and transmission costs if you need to send thesame documents to multiple G3 fax machines.This is especially true if the transmissions are long distance.You can send documents to any G3 fax machine by using the Internet via a LAN from your DX-2000 to anotherRelay Station (DX-2000).You can also send an email with attached TIFF-F file(s) to any G3 fax machine from your PC using your currentemail application through a Relay Station (DX-2000).To use the Internet Relayed Transmission, the Relay Station must be set up properly.Example 1: Internet Relay TransmissionFrom your PC or DX-2000 you can send documents to a Relay Station with the telephone number of the EndReceiving Station(s).After the Relay Station completes its transmission to the End Receiving Station, your PC or the DX-2000 receivesa COMM. Journal from the Relay Station. This COMM. Journal confirms whether the Internet RelayedTransmission was successful.Example 2: Fax Server (Intranet Relay Transmission)(1) Initiate a Relay Transmission via email to the Mail Server(2) Mail Server transfers the email to the DX-2000 with relay instructions to transmit to a G3 machine(3) DX-2000 initiates a telephone call to a G3 machine and transmits the documentInitial Sending StationEnd ReceivingStationRelayStationLondonStockholmBerlinRomeInternetLocal Telephone CallNew YorkInternet Fax or PC Internet FaxG3 FaxG3 FaxG3 FaxE-MailCOMM.JournalPSTNPC PCG3PC PCDX-2000Mail ServerG3G3(1)(2)(3)(3)6