Panasonic Electric Works Nordic ABMEW01091 Rev: 3 EBL128 Operating Instructions V1.1.x15Push buttons on the Fire Brigade Panel (FBP)Push button Operation/functionP1 Alarms queued (black) Used, when LEDs "Alarms queued" (L2) are lit, toscroll/browse through the queued alarms (zones).P2 Silence buzzer(yellow)Used to silence the buzzer in EBL128P3 Silence Alarm devices(red)5Used to silence the sounders (i.e. to "reset" outputs for alarmdevices).6P4 Reset (green) Used to reset the fire alarm(s).7 Has to be pressed for > 0.5sec.P5 Evacuate (green) 8 Used to activate all the sounders (i.e. the outputs for alarmdevices).Alert AnnunciationAcknowledge (green) 9Used to acknowledge an Alert Annunciation alarm.Disable (yellow) 10 Used to disables all zones in alarm state.5 In the New Zealand convention = The "inside switch".6 Via Win128 can be set if the alarm devices shall be continuous off /disabled or re-sound for a new alarm.7 Multiple reset (Default): All fire alarms will be reset simultaneously.Single encapsulated reset: The fire alarm displayed in the LCD (first row tothe left) will be reset. When more than one fire alarm is activated (LEDs"Alarms queued" are lit) each fire alarm has to be individually reset. Theencapsulation function is described in chapter "Single encapsulated reset",page 50.NOTE (1)! When "Multiple reset" is used, encapsulated reset can be doneby pressing "Reset" (P4) and 0.1 sec. later also press "Alarms queued" (P1)and hold them pressed for > 0.5 sec. The fire alarm displayed in the LCD(first row to the left) will be encapsulated or the points in alarm status withinone zone will be encapsulated or the whole zone (conventional) will beencapsulated.NOTE (2)! When "Single encapsulated reset" is used, you can make a"Multiple reset" by pressing "Reset" (P4) and 0.1 sec. later also press "A" (inthe keypad) and hold them pressed for > 0.5 sec.8 "Evacuate" is only valid in the "Belgian" and "Ukrainian" conventions.9 "Alert Annunciation Acknowledge" is only valid in the "Czech", Bulgarianand "Polish" conventions.10 "Disable" is only valid in the "Australian" and New Zealand conventions.