1.4 During a Conversation82 User Manual1.4.7 Letting Other People Listen to the Conversation (Off-hookMonitor)To set/cancelYou can let other people in the room listen to the conversation through the speaker whilecontinuing the conversation using the handset.• The SP-PHONE button light shows the current status as follows:Off: The voice is heard through the handset.On: The voice is heard through the speaker and the handset.• This feature requires system programming. Ask your manager.• This feature may not be available with certain proprietary telephones. For more details,consult your dealer.• Hands-free operationYou can have a conversation in hands-free mode using the SP-PHONE button. You canperform other tasks simultaneously.• Helpful hints for hands-free operation:– If it is difficult to hear the other party's voice:Increase the volume using the Navigator Key, Jog Dial, or Volume Key.– If the other party has difficulty hearing you:Decrease the volume.– If the other party reports that your voice echoes:Use the telephone in a room that has curtains, carpeting or both.– If parts of the conversation cannot be heard:If you and the other party speak at the same time, parts of your conversation may be lost.To avoid this, try to speak alternately.PressSP-PHONE.PTDuring a conversation using the handsetSP-PHONE