1.3 Receiving Calls48 User Manual1.3.3 Answering a Call Ringing at Another Telephone (CallPickup)Answering a Call from Another Telephone (Call Pickup)You can answer an incoming call that is ringing at another extension or group from your phone withoutleaving your desk.The following types of pickup are available:Group Call Pickup: Picks up a call within your group.Directed Call Pickup: Picks up a specified extension’s call.Denying Other People the Possibility of Picking Up Your Calls(Call Pickup Deny)You can deny or allow other people to pick up your calls.— Answering a Call from Another Telephone (Call Pickup)— Denying Other People the Possibility of Picking Up Your Calls (Call Pickup Deny)• If you receive a call waiting tone, you can ask a third party to pick up your second callwith Directed Call Pickup.• If there are multiple incoming calls for the same group, the longest waiting call is receivedfirst.PT/SLT/PSOff-hook.Press flashing DSS.Enter 40 and then dial group number (2 digits).Or enter 41 and then dial extension number.Talk.GroupDirected4 0OR14group no.extension no.OR(DSS)C.ToneOff-hook. On-hook.Enter 1 to denyor 0 to allow.PT/SLT/PSDenyAllow10OREnter 720.2 07 C.Tone