3.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming)150 User Manual3.1 Customising Your Phone (PersonalProgramming)3.1.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming)You can customise your telephone features. For example, you can change the initial settings or buttonfeatures according to your needs.Assigning an Extension PIN to Your Extension (Extension PIN[Personal Identification Number])You can assign a password to each extension.The following features require an extension PIN.1. Screening calls (Live Call Screening [LCS])2. Prohibiting other people from seeing your personal directory and call log (Directory and CallLog Lock)3. Using the same settings as your extension at other extensions (Walking Extension)4. Remote Control Operation (Walking COS)5. Extension Lock ClearTo set— Assigning an Extension PIN to Your Extension (Extension PIN [Personal Identification Number])• If you change your desk and extension, refer to "1.10.1 Using the Same Settings as YourPrevious Extension (Walking Extension)".PT/SLT/PSOff-hook. Enter 799.1Enter 1. Enter extension PIN(max. 10 digits).extension PIN#Enter #.sameextension PIN #Enter #.On-hook.Enter same extension PIN(max. 10 digits).7 9 9C.TonePIN: Personal Identification Number