A1 VoIP RequirementsGetting Started 57Is the card located appropriately?Transmission delays can cause pauses and loss in VoIP communications. The more networkdevices (e.g., routers and switches) there are between the communicating cards, the larger thetransmission delays, because a certain amount of delay is inevitable when packets go througheach network device (hop).One preventative measure is to install the card so that the number of transmission hops is keptto a minimum. In the diagram below, the card is located as close to the IP network interface aspossible.A1.3 Network DevicesYou must evaluate the network devices that are used in the existing network to see if a VoIPnetwork can be implemented. Below are the points that should be taken into your evaluation.Can the firewall pass packets from the VoIP Gateway Card?If the VoIP network contains a firewall, the firewall must be configured appropriately to allowVoIP packets, which are listed in the table below, to pass through the network without beingblocked by filtering.For more information, consult your network administrator.Protocol TCP/UDP Default Port No.HTTP *1 TCP 80RTP/RTCP *2 UDP 5004 to 5011H.225.0 Call Signaling *2 TCP 1720H.245*2 TCP 1712 to 1724H.225.0 RAS *2 UDP 1719*1 For the actual setting values, refer to "2.2.2 H.323 Parameters" in the VoIP Gateway CardProgramming Guide.RouterSwitchToo many hopsSwitchHubRouterSwitchBetter(PBX located nearest IP network access point)SwitchHub