2.2 PT Programming—ProceduresProgramming Manual69d.Parity Bit: Parity bit indicates what type of parity is used to detect errors in the string of bitscomposing a character. Make an appropriate selection depending on the requirements of the PCor printer.e.Stop Bit Length: Stop bit indicates the end of a bit string that composes a character. Select anappropriate value depending on the requirements of the PC or printer.Conditions•* Select "None" when the printer does not require error checking.•The following combinations are invalid.If any of the above invalid combinations are selected, an alarm tone will be heard.Feature Manual References1.1.112 Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)[801] SMDR ParameterSpecifies the following SMDR format parameters in order to match the paper size being used by the printer:a.Page Length: determines the number of lines per page.b.Skip Perforation: determines the number of lines to be skipped at the end of every page.Feature Manual References1.1.112 Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)ParityWord lengthStop bit lengthMark82Space81Space82800NEXT(CR+LF/CR)(1200/2400/4800/9600 B)(Mark/Space/Even/Odd/None*)(1 bit/2 bits)(7/8 bits)ENDSELECTSTORENEXTSELECTSTORENEXTSELECTSTORENEXTSELECTSTORENEXTSELECTSTORECR: Carriage ReturnLF: Line Feed801NEXTpage length(4…99 lines)(0…95 lines)ENDSTORENEXTskip perforationSTORE66 lines0 line