3-64 Telephone FeaturesE 3.2 Telephone FeaturesConditions• This feature does not work when “Data Line Security” or “Executive Busy OverrideDeny” is set at the extension engaged in the existing outside call.• When a two-party call is changed to a three-party call or vice versa, a confirmation toneis sent to all parties. The tone can be disabled.Programming References• System Programming — Installation Manual[105] Conference Tone[608] Executive Busy OverrideFeature ReferencesConferenceData Line SecurityExecutive Busy Override DenyPTPTExecutive Busy Override — Outside (CO) LineAllows you to connect to an existing outside call or add a third party to your existingconversation. System Programming is required to use this feature.PTConfirmation tone(optional)Press the desired COwhose indicator is lit red.COLift the handset or pressSP-PHONE/MONITOR.A three-party conferenceis now established.PTHang up or pressSP-PHONE/MONITOR .The other two partiescontinue their conversation.PTConfirmation tone (optional)Press the CO or INTERCOMof the party to remain connected.COor INTERCOMTo leave the conferenceTo terminate one party and talk to the other