4-64 System Programming4.2 System ProgrammingHost PBX Access Codes403Description Assigns Host PBX access codes. If the system is installed behind ahost PBX system, an access code is required to make an outsidecall. Up to eight codes can be stored for an outside (CO) lineconnected to the host PBX.Selection • Outside (CO) line number: 1 – 6, ( = all outside (CO) lines)• Access code: 1 or 2 digits, eight different entries (max.)Default All outside (CO) lines – Not storedProgramming 1. Enter 403.Display: Host PBX Access2. Press NEXT.Display: CO NO? →3. Enter an outside (CO) line number.Pressing NEXT also can enter outside (CO) line number 1.Display example: CO 1:Not Stored4. Enter an access code.To delete the current entry, press CLEAR.To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new accesscode.Display example: CO 1:015. To enter more access codes for the same outside (CO) line,press “,” (CONF/SAVE button) and enter the access codesuntil all of the required entries are completed.Display example: CO 1:01,08,10,226. Press STORE.7. To program another outside (CO) line, press NEXT orPREV, or SELECT and enter the desired outside (CO) linenumber.8. Repeat steps 4 through 7.9. Press END.