1.2 Network Management1.2.1 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) ServerTo establish communication over a VoIP network, IP addresses must be assigned to IP telephones and thePBX to identify their locations on the network. While these addresses can be assigned manually, it is alsopossible to use a DHCP server to automatically assign IP address information. Using a DHCP server allowsyou to centrally manage and automate the assignment of IP addresses.Assign IP addressinformation to an IPtelephoneWhen the IPCMPR/DSP cards areconnected to the networkWhen an IP telephone isconnected to the networkRequest IP addressinformation1Assign IP addressinformation to theIPCMPR/DSP cards2Request IP addressinformation34IP TelephoneDHCP ServerIPCMPR/DSP CardsNote• The PBX is not able to act as a DHCP server. To use the DHCP client function of IP telephones andthe IPCMPR/DSP cards, a separate DHCP server is required on the network, as shown above.• An IP telephone and the IPCMPR/DSP cards cannot request IP addresses from a DHCP server onanother LAN (connected through an IP network). They can only receive IP addresses from a DHCPserver on the same LAN. Therefore, when IP telephones are located on several LANs, a DHCP serveris required on each LAN. If a DHCP server is not present on the LAN, IP addresses for IP telephonesand the IPCMPR/DSP cards on that LAN must be assigned manually.Document Version 2009-12 IP Networking Guide 71.2.1 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server