Button FunctionRefresh Updates the status information displayed on the screen. This button isdisplayed in the upper-right area of the [Network Status] and [VoIP Status]screens.Entering CharactersIn the Web user interface, when specifying a name, message, password, or other text item, you can enterany of the ASCII characters displayed in the following table with a white background.However, there are additional limitations for certain types of fields as follows:• Number field– You may only enter a sequence of numeric characters.• IP Address field– You can enter the IP address using dotted-decimal notation (i.e., "n.n.n.n" where n=0–255).– With IPv6, you can enter the IP address using dotted-decimal notation (i.e., "n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n" wheren=0-FFFF, abbreviation available).• FQDN field– You can enter the IP address using dotted-decimal notation (i.e., "n.n.n.n" where n=0–255).– With IPv6, the IP address is enclosed in square brackets ("[" and "]").Example: http://[2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8]/• Display Name field (→ see [Display Name] in Call Features)– This is the only field in which you can enter Unicode characters.Result MessagesWhen you click [Save] after changing the settings on the current configuration screen, one of the followingmessages will appear in the upper-left area of the current configuration screen:Result Message Description Applicable ScreensComplete The operation has successfullycompleted.All screens except4.6.7 Export Phonebook1.1.6 Web User Interface Programming20 Administrator Guide Document Version 2016-05