Panasonic Electric Works Nordic ABMEW01090 Rev: 3 EBL128 Planning Instructions V1.1.x92tx" output will be activated.The AA function is normally ON (enabled) during daytime only (i.e.working hours). The time channels 2-4 or the external time channels5-12 are used to turn ON / OFF (enable / disable) the AA function.99Figure 20. Alert Annunciation function flow chart.AA Function: Indications, actions, etc. as for a normal fire alarmexcept that the output for routing equipment (Fire brigade tx) 100will not be activated directly.The AA alarm has to be acknowledged within an acknowledge timeand the AA alarm has to be reset within an investigation time,otherwise the output for routing equipment (Fire brigade tx) will beactivated.During the acknowledge & investigation times the output for routingequipment (Fire brigade tx) will be activated if: fire alarm is activated by another detector not programmed foralert annunciation fire alarm is activated in another zone fire alarm is activated by a manual call point AA alarm is activated by a second detector within the same zoneprogrammed for alert annunciation and "Multiple alarms allowedwithin same zone" is not selected101 via Win128.Acknowledge and Reset is done on the Alert annunciation unit 1735 /1736 (or Alert annunciation controller 1740). Programmable output("Alert Announcement Activated" for indication and programmableinputs ("Alert Announcement Acknowledge" and "AlertAnnouncement Reset") can also be used.99 The alert annunciation function ON (enabled) is indicated by the LED"Fire brigade tx delay". Normally is only one time channel used for thisfunction but two or more channels can be used. The AA function can, as analternative, be continuously "on". NOTE! The AA function can be de-activated (disabled) via menu H2/B10 and will stay so until re-activated (re-enabled) again via menu H2/B10.100 NOTE! As default it is the relay output "R0" in EBL128. If anotheroutput shall be used it has to be programmed as type Routing Equipment(Fire brigade tx) and the trigger condition has to be "Fire brigade tx".101 Default the Check box is un-marked = Multiple alarms are not allowedwithin same zone.