Panasonic Electric Works Nordic ABMEW01090 Rev: 3 EBL128 Planning Instructions V1.1.x424370 Addressable short circuit isolator. In case of short circuit on theCOM loop, the number of disabled units will be minimised.4370 is power supplied via the COM loop. The unit'sdimensions: (L x W x H) 90 x 70 x 32 mm. A plasticprotection cover is attached. The cover's dimensions: (L x W xH) 128 x 72 x 45 mm. The unit is intended to be surfacemounted and for indoor use in dry premises. When required, theunit can be mounted in a Waterproof box (IP66 / 67) 3362. Theunit has an input to manually open the isolator ("isolated state")and an input to manually close the isolator ("normal state"). AnLED will indicate the normal and isolated state respectively.For more information, see the Product Leaflet. The technicaladdress is set with an Address setting tool (AST) 3314. Theunit has an address label on which the programmed technicaladdress is to be written.The Address setting tool 3314 is also used for mode setting:NORMAL mode: Used for 4370 in EBL128.2330 mode: Not used in EBL128.2312 mode: Not used in EBL128.According to the EN54 standard, at least one short circuit isolator isrequired per 32 alarm points on the COM loop. In the Australian andNew Zealand conventions at least one isolator per 40 alarm points.Up to eight 4370 and/or 4313 can be used, which gives nine loopsegments. Each isolator has to be given a Sequence Number, 0-7.The isolators have to be connected consecutively (Sequence Number0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7) in the COM loop's A-direction. NOTE! EBL128has one built-in isolator in the-A direction (no. "A") and one in the B-direction (no. "B").EBL1284370no. 04370no. 1A Dir. B Dir. Segment A Segment BSegment CFigure 9. Two 4370 / 4313 isolators connected to the COMloop gives three loop segments, i.e. Segment A (A-0), B (0-1)and C (1-B). If one or more isolators are to be added thesequence numbers have to be updated (via Win128), e.g. if oneisolator is to be put in between no. 0 and no. 1 in the figure, thenew isolator will be no. 1 and the old no. 1 will be no. 2.Short circuit / cut-off (break) on the COM loopSee chapter "COM loop", page 15. See also chapter "Fault messages"in the EBL128 Operating Instructions.