TroubleshootingVQT4W68 107The media is not supported.The software (firmware) is being updated.You cannot operate the unit until the update iscomplete. (> 96)The unit is hot.The unit switches to standby for safety reasons.Wait for about 30 minutes until the messagedisappears.Select a position with good ventilation wheninstalling the unit.(When a disc is not inserted) A malfunction hasoccurred. The unit is trying to restore to thenormal operation. Once the message disappearsyou can use the unit again.If it remains displayed, consult the dealer.HDMI cannot be output because it is connected toa model that does not support copyrightprotection.Due to the current disc not having authorisedcopyright information, video output is notperformed.(When a disc is inserted) There was somethingunusual detected with the disc or the unit. Theunit is trying to restore to the normal operation.Once the message disappears you can use theunit again.If it remains displayed, consult the dealer.The unit fails to operate properly. Press [Í/I] onthe main unit to switch the unit to standby mode.Now press [Í/I] on the main unit again to turn theunit on.The HOLD function is activated. (> 97)There is something unusual. (The service numberdisplayed after H and F depends on the unit’scondition.)Reset the unit as follows:1 Disconnect the plug from the household mainssocket, wait a few seconds, then reconnect it.2 Press [Í/I] to turn the power on. (The unit maybe fixed.)Request service from the dealer. Inform thedealer of the service number when requestingservice.UNSUPPORTUPD /(“∑” stands for a number.)U59U61U76U77U88U99X HOLDH or F(“∑” stands for a number.)