- 34 -ReferenceI can’t connect to the network.¾ Confirm the network connection and settings.(> 12, 13, 28)¾ There may be interference that prevents theunit from detecting your home network. Placethe unit and the wireless router closer to eachother. This unit may be able to detect yournetwork name (> 13, “SSID”).¾ Check the operating instructions for eachdevice and connect accordingly.When using wireless LAN connection, videofrom the DLNA Certified media server is notplayed back or video frames are droppedduring playback.¾ On the “Wireless Settings” screen (> 28), thecontinuous lighting of at least 4 “Reception”indicators is the target for a stable connection.If 3 or fewer indicators are lit or theconnection is being interrupted, change theposition or angle of your wireless router andsee if the connection state improves. If thereis no improvement, connect to a wirednetwork and perform the “Easy NetworkSetting” (> 13) again.Network¾ Higher transfer rate router such as 802.11n(2.4 GHz or 5 GHz) wireless router may solvethe problem. If you use 802.11n (2.4 GHz or5 GHz) wireless router, it is necessary to setthe encryption type to “AES”.Simultaneous use with a microwave, cordlesstelephone etc. at 2.4 GHz may result inconnection interruptions or other problems.Messages on the screenCannot play.¾ You inserted an incompatible disc.Cannot play on this unit.¾ You tried to play a non-compatible image.¾ Re-insert the media.No disc inserted.¾ The disc may be upside down.$ This operation is not available.¾ Some operations are unsupported by theunit. (For example, reverse slow motion, etc.)IP address is not set.¾ The “IP Address” in “IP Address / DNSSettings” is “---. ---. ---. ---”. Set the “IPAddress”, “Subnet Mask”, and “GatewayAddress”. (Select the automatic addressacquisition if necessary.)The wireless access point currently has a lownetwork security setting. It is recommendedto change to a higher setting.¾ Set a stronger network security level referringto the wireless router operating instructions.