Audio Adjustment• Audio Norm• Bass• Treble• Balance• (Audio) Mode• Speaker• Surround• AI SoundACTIONDisplays and Exits MenusBass, Treble & Balance Adjustment1. PresstheACTIONbuttontodisplaytheMain Menu.2. Press the CH UP/DOWN and VOL LEFT/RIGHTbuttons to highlight the Audio Icon.3. Press the ACTION button to display the AudioAdjustment Menu._ AUDIOAUDIO NORM NOBASS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITREBLE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBALANCE ÷MODE STEREO SAP MONOSPEAKER ONSURROUND OFFAI SOUND ONLocated On Remote ControlMenu is DisplayedSelects or AdjustsFeatures WhenMenu is Displayed4. Press the CH UP or DOWN button to highlightBASS, TREBLE or BALANCE.5. Press the VOL LEFTor RIGHT button to adjust fordesired audio response.6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for remaining Audio functions.7. Press the ACTION button twice to exit the AudioAdjustment Menu.Audio Norm --This feature is used to reset BASS,TREBLE and BALANCE back to a factory preset level.1. PresstheACTION button to displaythe Main Menu.2. Press the CH UP/DOWN and VOL LEFT/RIGHTbuttons to highlight the Audio Icon.3. Press the ACTION button to display the AudioAdjustment Menu._ AUDIOAUDIO NORM NOBASS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITREBLE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBALANCE 4-MODE STEREO SAP MONOSPEAKER ONSURROUND OFFAI SOUND ONHelpful Hints:BASS - To increase or decrease the Bass response.TREBLE - To increase or decrease the Treble re-sponse.BALANCE - To emphasize the Right and LeftSpeaker's volume.- 28 -4. Press the CH UP or DOWN button to highlight"AUDIO NORM".5. Press the VOL LEFT or RIGHT button to select"YES" to Normalize Bass, Treble and Balance.6. Press the ACTION button twice to exit the AudioAdjustment Menu.