10Do not use the standby or hibernation function when using the network function.Save all data before powering off your computer.When restarting from or shutting down to the standby or hibernation mode, do nottouch the touch pad (or move the mouse if one is connected). These devices may failto operate, you will then need to restart your computer using the keyboard.Windows 98In addition, when restarting from the hibernation mode, do not use the touch pador keyboard, or press the power switch, until Windows completely resumes.(After the resume processing screen is displayed, nothing will appear on the dis-play for 5 - 35 seconds, but the Windows display will appear soon after that.)Do not enter the standby or hibernation mode during the following periods (you maycorrupt your data or file):• While the floppy disk drive indicator ( ), hard disk drive indicator ( ) or CD driveindicator ( ) is on.• While playing/recording audio files.• While communications software is being used.Do not enter the standby or hibernation mode during the following periods. Thestandby or hibernation function may not work, or the computer (or peripherals) mayfail to work properly.• When a file in an external device such as a CD drive, external hard disk, or ATA cardis opened, the standby or hibernation function may not work. In such cases, closethe file.• LAN cards (port), SCSI cards and modem cards (port) etc. may not recover afterentering the standby or hibernation mode. If this occurs, restart the computer.Windows 98 Windows 2000• When a USB device is in use or is connected to the computer (note: only for someUSB devices). If this occurs, remove the USB device temporarily and restart thecomputer.Do not enter the standby or hibernation mode when using an operating system otherthan the one that comes with your computer, the Setup Utility, or when experiencingstatic electricity or noise.If you hold down on Alt , Ctrl or Shift to enter the standby or hibernation mode,after resuming operation, you must press the same key. For example, if you holddown on Shift while pushing the power switch, upon resuming, if you do not pressShift again, only capital letters will result from typing.Press the power switch and hold it for more than four seconds to power off the com-puter only when the computer locks up. Data not previously saved will be lost.In the standby mode, power is consumed. If PC Cards are inserted, more of thatpower is consumed. When all power has been consumed, all data saved at standbyis lost since it is retained in memory. We therefore recommend plugging in the ACadaptor when using the standby function.If the standby or hibernation function is used repeatedly, the computer may not workproperly. To stabilize computer operations, we recommend shutting down Windows([Start]-[Shut Down]) on a regular basis (about once a week) without using the standbyor hibernation function.The screen that is displayed when resuming from the hibernation mode may be dif-ferent from the screen that is displayed before entering the hibernation mode.Precautions for Using the Standby or Hibernation Function(To next page)Standby/Hibernation Functions