3 41 1 In [Start] - [Run], input [c:\install.bat], then press .Rebooting will be done automatically.It may take several minutes to reboot the computer.1 2 Delete the "c:\install.bat" and "c:\install.pif" files.1 3 In [Start] - [Run], input [c:\util\updates\rmm2upd.exe], thenpress .1 4 At the [Windows 95 Update], press , then press.Device Manager 11 5 In [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [System] - [Device Man-ager], check [View devices by connection] and select [PCI bus] in[Plug and Play BIOS], press , then press .When the message appears to reboot your computer, press. Rebooting will be done automatically. If the computerasks you to insert the Windows 95 CD-ROM, press . In-put [c:\windows\system], then press . At the [Update De-vice Driver Wizard], press , then press . At the[System Settings Change], press .System setupReinstalling SoftwareBefore ReinstallationPreparingReinstalling7 At the [Finishing Setup], remove the floppy disk and press. Windows will restart after all the settings haveautomatically been made.8 At the [Date/Time Properties], press .9 At the [Add Printer Wizard], press .1 0 When the display appears indicating the establishment ofthe system settings, press . The computer willreboot. (When the welcome screen appears, press .)Two options are available, one for beginners and the otherfor advanced users.For beginners: Returning to factory defaultcondition.For advanced users: Returning drive C to factorydefault condition.C A U T I O NN O T EWith the exception of the instruction below, please select alldefault values displayed by the Setup Wizard.Be sure to add the check mark to [Sound, MIDI, or VideoCapture Card] at the [Analyzing Your Computer].Have a blank disk on hand to create a "Windows 95 StartupDisk". Immediately after creating this disk, enter the FirstaidFD into the floppy disk drive and press . (Note: Asystem error will result if the Firstaid FD is not inserted. If thisoccurs, insert the Firstaid FD and press [Retry].1 Insert the Firstaid FD, and turn the computer on, then runthe Setup Utility. ( page 40)2 Select [Load Default Settings (PnP)], then press .At the confirmation message, press .3 Close the Setup Utility ( page 40); this screen shouldappear.The Advanced Users option should only be performed whenthe hard disk has been formatted into two or more parti-tions.If data on your hard disk is compressed, the data shouldbe uncompressed.ImportantSave all important data. If reinstallation is carried out, all data existing prior to the installation will be lost. The reinstal-lation will return the computer to factory condition.Be sure to remove all PC Cards and disconnect all peripherals before the reinstallation procedure.Be sure the AC adapter is connected until completing reinstallation.You will need the backup disks (you earlier made copies of page 7), Windows 95 CD-ROM, Internet Explorer CD-ROM (only use enclosed CD-ROM) and a blank floppy disk for the startup disk.If you have not created the backup disks, a message will appear at startup urging you to make backup copy. If there is nomessage, backup copy have already been created.N O T EWindows 95 (HDD format)4 For beginners: select [2. Restore HDD to factorydefault (For beginners)].For advanced users: select [3. Restore HDD to factorydefault (For advanced users)].At the confirmation message, press .Simply follow the on-screen instructions .5 When your computer prompts you to insert the floppy disk,please set the specified disk and press any key. When thecomputer reboots, the startup menu will appear, select 2and continue to follow the on-screen instructions.When your computer prompts you to insert the "FirstaidFD", press . When the computer reboots, the startupmenu will appear, select 2 and continue to follow the on-screen instructions.6 When your computer prompts you to insert the "Windows95 CD-ROM", please do so. Windows 95 has setup started.Follow the on-screen instructions.Microsoft Windows 95 Startup Menu1. Boot2. Restore HDD to factory default (For beginners)3. Restore HDD to factory default (For advanced users)Enter a choice: 1The CD-ROM pack (CF-VCD252) and FDD cable (CF-VCF351) are required for the following reinstallation procedure.Mount the CD-ROM pack in the multimedia pocket and connect the FDD cable to the floppy disk drive. (Refer to theoperating instructions of the CD-ROM pack and FDD cable for details.)