3!8 Zoom Lever [ZOOM, TELE/WIDE]Used to adjust the zoom of the lens. Zoom speedvaries according to the angle of the lever. The lensmoves toward TELE when the lever is moved towardTELE, or toward WIDE when the lever is moved towardWIDE, provided that ZOOM REVERSE Switch @7 is inthe NOR position. When ZOOM REVERSE Switch @7 isset to the REV position, the lens moves in the oppositedirection. ZOOM/FOCUS EXCHANGE Switch @8 maybe used to exchange its function with FOCUS Lever !9.!9 Focus Lever [FOCUS FAR/NEAR]Used to adjust the focus of the lens. Used to adjust thelens focus at varying speed depending on the angle ofthe lever. The lens is focused far when the lever ismoved toward FAR, or near when the lever is movedtoward NEAR, provided that FOCUS REVERSE Switch@9 is in the NOR position. When FOCUS REVERSESwitch @9 is set to the REV position, the lens focusoperates in the opposite direction. ZOOM/ FOCUSEXCHANGE Switch @8 may be used to exchange itsfunction with ZOOM Lever !8.@0 Pan/tilt Lever [PAN/TILT, UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT]Used to control the pan/tilt operation of the pan/tilt head.Controls the head’s pan/tilt operation at varying speeddepending on the angle of the lever. The pan/tilt headturns up when the lever is moved toward UP, or downwhen it is moved toward DOWN, provided that TILTREVERSE Switch #0 is in the NOR position. Thepan/tilt head moves in the opposite direction if the TILTREVERSE Switch #0 is in the REV position. The pan/tilthead turns leftward when the lever is moved towardLEFT, or rightward when it is moved toward RIGHT,provided that PAN REVERSE Switch #1 is in the NORposition. The pan/tilt head moves in the opposite direc-tion if the PAN REVERSE Switch #1 is in the REV posi-tion.Note: TILT REVERSE Switch #0 and PAN REVERSESwitch #1 may be used to reverse the operatingdirection of the pan/tilt head, but be sure to set theoperating direction of the pan/tilt head with itsmounting direction selection switch during its instal-lation depending on whether the pan/tilt head ismounted on the floor or is suspended. Unless themounting direction selection switch on the pan/tilthead is properly set, the pan/tilt head will pan or tiltin the opposite direction and the pan/tilt head opera-tion limiters will not be properly stored in the memo-ry. For details on the setting of this switch, refer tothe INSTALLATION OF PAN/TILT HEAD at page 5. Rear Panel AW-RP301T A L L YH O TD C 1 2 V I NAUX CONTROL INCONTROL OUTPAN/TILT AW-RP305T A L L YD C 1 2 V I NAUX CONTROL IN123455 4 3 2 1PAN/TILT CONTROL OUT@1 TALLY Terminal [TALLY] (AW-RP301: 2-pin Termi-nal Board) (AW-RP305: 6-pin Terminal Board)Connect it to the tally connector on a special effect gen-erator (SEG) or a video switcher, for example. WhenHOT Terminal on the AW-RP301 or any of [1] to [5] ter-minals on the AW-RP305 falls to ground voltage level,the corresponding system TALLY indicator e and thetally indicator on the Pan/tilt Head (AW-PH300) light red.@2 12V DC Input Connector [DC 12V IN] (DC Jack)Connect the AC Adapter AW-PS301 (optional).@3 Cord ClampClamps the DC cord of the AC Adapter AW-PS301(optional) connected to DC 12V IN Connector @2 to pre-vent its disconnection.@4 Auxiliary Control Input Connector[AUX CONTROL IN] (8-pin DIN Connector)External control signals are input to this connector incontrolling the head’s pan/tilt, lens zoom, focus and irisoperations.Note: In externally controlling the pan/tilt head and lensthrough this connector, set IRIS LEVEL Control ion this control panel to the centre point (straightup), and do not simultaneously operate SPEEDSwitch !1, ZOOM Lever !8, FOCUS Lever !9, andPAN/TILT Lever @0. Operation errors may occur ifexternal controls are simultaneously used.