967-3 Warning System7-3-1 Warning Description TablesIf a problem is detected immediately after the power is turned on, or during operation, this will be indicated by the WARNING lamp,lamps inside the viewfinder and a warning tone.The WARNING lamp has the highest priority, followed by the tally lamp, and then the warning tone. When multiple errors occursimultaneously a higher priority indication will be triggered. The [WIRELESS RF], however, may not be indicated, depending on themenu setting.1. System ErrorsDisplay windowindication The error code lights up.WARNING lamp Blinks 4 times per second.Tally lamp Blinks 4 times per second.Viewfinder The SYSTEM ERROR indication and the errorcode light up.Warning tone Beeps continuously.WarningdescriptionAn error in the reference signal or thecommunication.Recording/playback operation The operation stops.Countermeasures Please confirm [7-3-2 Error Codes] and consultyour nearest service centre.3. Battery EmptyDisplay windowindicationAll 7 bar indicators for battery remaining capacitystart blinking.WARNING lamp Lights up.Tally lamp Blinks once per second.Viewfinder The BATT LED lights up.Warning tone Beeps continuously.Warningdescription The battery has run out.Recording/playback operation The operation stops.Countermeasures Replace the battery.2. Card removal errorDisplay windowindication Error code E-30 appears.WARNING lamp Blinks 4 times per second.Tally lamp Blinks 4 times per second.Viewfinder The “TURN POWER OFF” indicator blinks.Warning tone Continues to beep.WarningdescriptionThe P2 card being accessed has been removed,resulting in an error in the internal memory of thecamera-recorder.Recording/playback operation Cannot be performed.CountermeasuresTurn off the power to the camera-recorder. Ifthere is an error in a clip on the removed P2 card,repair the clip.4. Write-protectDisplay windowindicationAll 7 bar indicators for remaining MEDIA capacitystart blinking.WARNING lamp Continues to light up until an operation isperformed.Tally lamp Continues to blink 4 times per second until anoperation is performed.Viewfinder The WP indicator blinks.Warning tone Continues to beep until an operation isperformed.Warningdescription The inserted P2 cards are write-protected.Recording/playback operation Recording is disabled.Countermeasures Disable the write-protect or replace the P2 card.ᤨࠫ