23V VT TR R1 2Detailed description of set-up menusBASICItem SettingDescription of settingNo. Item No. Item000 DISPLAY SEL 0000 TIME0001 T&STA0002 T&RT0003 T&YMD0004 T&MDY0005 T&DMY™ ™001 LCD SUPER 0000 OFF0001 ON ™002 CHARA TYPE 0000 WHITE0001 W/OUT ™ ™003 TAPE TIMER 0000 ±12h0001 24h ™ ™The underlined number and item are the factory settings.This sets the contents of the MONITOR OUT connector and liquid-crystalmonitor superimposed display.0: Displays the counter value only.1: Displays the counter value and operation mode.2: The counter value and shooting time are displayed.3: The counter value and shooting date in the sequence of year, month andday are displayed.4: The counter value and shooting date in the sequence of month, day andyear are displayed.5: The counter value and shooting date in the sequence of day, month andyear are displayed.REC DATE or REC TIME is displayed only when a tape shot by a DV/DVCAMcamera recorder is played back.This selects the superimposed display on the liquid-crystal monitor.0: A superimposed display does not appear on the monitor.1: A superimposed display appears on the monitor.This selects the type of characters for the VIDEO MONI OUT connectorsuperimposed display and set-up menu display, etc.0: White characters appear on a black background.1: White characters with black borders appear.This selects whether the 12-hour or 24-hour time system is to be used for theCTL counter display.0: The 12-hour time system is used for the display.1: The 24-hour time system is used for the display.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF SET-UP MENUSV VT TR R1 2