EN-12 EB SERIES7. TROUBLESHOOTINGThe followng table lsts common problems, possble causes and remedes. Shouldfurther problems persst, please contact your local servcng dealer.Symptom Possible Causes RemedyScale wll not turn on AC power not connected.Battery dscharged.Connect scale to power.Battery fals to chargefullyBattery defectve or pastts useful lfe.Replace battery by anauthorzed servce dealer.Weght readng doesnot stablzeUnstable envronment.Interference under pan.Ensure a stableenvronment.Ensure that the weghngpan s unobstructed andfree to move.Scale does not dsplayaccuratelyImproper calbraton. Calbrate the scale usngproper calbraton weghts.E1 error code dsplayed EPROM data loss. Replace the scale.E2 error code dsplayed A/D count s not correct. Have the load cell replaced.E4 error code dsplayed The sample weght forsettng up Countng APWs too small.Increase the weght onthe pan untl the resultngAPW s greater than themnmum.The value for settng upPercent weghng s notvald.Place a reference weghtgreater than 9d on the pan.--OL-- dsplayed Load exceeds scalecapacty.Reduce the load on the pan.