EN-10 EB SERIES4.9 Percent WeighingPlace the reference tem on the pan (ex. 300g) then press %.“100.00%” wll be dsplayed.The weght of any tem subsequently placed on the pan wllbe dsplayed as a percentage (ex. 600g wll be dsplayed as200%) of the orgnally establshed reference weght.5. SCALE SETTINGS• Press then release COUNT and M+ at the same tme to enter nto the user-selectable scale settngs (Setup mode).In Setup mode:o Press to step through avalable settngso PressEnter to accept the dsplayed settng and proceed to the nextparametero PressExit to proceed to the next parameter wthout savng anychanges• Re-start the scale after changng settngs n the Setup mode.The followng parameters are avalable (llustrated dsplays reflect default settngs):NOTES:• It s normal for small weght changes to be dsplayed as large decmalncrements n %.• To ext Percent Mode, pressExit.5.1 Scale IncrementSets the dsplayed scale ncrement (also known as readabltyor graduaton). Selectable setup values wll be modeldependent and are equvalent to wthn 30,000 to 3,000 scaledvsons.5.2 BacklightSets the actvaton mode of the backlght.The followng settngs are avalable: AU (Auto-on wth temsgreater than 9d placed on the pan or any key s pressed; turnsoff after 5 seconds of nactvty), on, oFF.5.3 Zero Tracking RangeSets the range n whch the zero readng s mantaned.The followng settngs are avalable: 0.5d, 1d, 2d, 4d (d =scale dvson)5.4 FilteringSets the level n whch the Stable ndcaton turns on; the hgherthe settng, the faster the stablzaton tme.The followng settngs are avalable: 0, 1, 2, 3 (levels)