APPENDIX A IMU Technical SpecificationsOEM7 SPAN Installation and Operation User Manual v1 93ElectricalPower and I/O Connector MIL-DTL-38999 Series 3Start-Up Time (Valid Data) < 5 secondsEnvironmentalTemperature, operational -40°C to +65°CTemperature, non-operational -50°C to +80°CVibration, operational 6 g rms, 20 Hz -2 KHzVibration, non-operational 8 g rms, 20 Hz -2 KHzShock, operational 7g 6-10 msec, 1/2 sineShock, non-operational 60 g 6-10 msec, 1/2 sineAltitude -1000 to 50,000 ft.Humidity 95% at 35°C, 48 hrsMTBF ≥ 10,500 hoursTable 26: IMU-CPT Environmental SpecificationsA.2.4 IMU-CPT CableThe NovAtel part number for the IMU-CPT cable is 01018966. This cable provides power to theIMU from an external power source and enables communication between the receiver and theIMU.Figure 29: IMU-CPT Development Terminated Cable