Chapter 2 SPAN InstallationOEM7 SPAN Installation and Operation User Manual v1 20KVH1725 and KVH1750 Baud Rate ConversionThe maximum baud rate of the COM ports on an OEM7 receiver is 460,800 bps. The KVH1750and KVH1725 IMUs natively communicate at 921,600 bps, so they need to be modified to use460,800 bps.Though slower, 460,800 bps is more than adequate to transmit the data at therequired 200 Hz without any impact to performance.There are two methods to change the KVH17xx series IMU baud rate. If an OEM6 receiver isavailable, a command is available that will allow the receiver to change the IMU baud rate. Ifnot, a direct RS-422 connection at 921,600 baud is required to change the IMU baud rate.IMU Direct ConnectionThis method requires a direct connection to the IMU at 921,600 baud over RS-422.Make sure the RS-422 link used is capable of 921,600 baud as not all serialports are capable of that rate.1. Open a command terminal at 921600 baud via an RS-422 serial link.By default, the IMU will output 0.5 Hz binary messages which will help confirm you are con-nected properly.2. Issue the following two commands in sequence to enter configuration mode and change thebaud rate.=CONFIG,1=BAUD,4608003. Upon completion of these commands, power cycle the IMU to boot up in the new baud rate.4. Confirm the change by connecting to the IMU at 460,800 baud and verifying the incomingmessages.The new baud rate configuration is saved to the IMU NVM automatically so the process is completeand the IMU is ready for use with an OEM7 receiver.Use an OEM6 Receiver CommandOEM6 firmware as of version OEM060630RN0000 (Dec 2016) includes theIMUCONFIGURATION command that internally configures the KVH17xx IMU for SPAN com-munication. Three sets of configuration options are available, two of which will allow user tochange the baud rate of the IMU to either 921,600 or 460,800. This provides customers upgrad-ing to OEM7 an easy method to modify the baud rate. To change the IMU to 460800 baud, usethe following procedure:1. Connect the KVH-17xx IMU (IMU-KVH1750 or IMU-KVH1725) to an RS422 capable OEM6receiver communication port.2. Issue the following command.CONNECTIMU COM# IMU_KVH_17xx3. Issue the following command.IMUCONFIGURATION IMU_KVH_17xx 2