NOVA chat User’s Guide Page 60Notes on Capturing Button SequencesIf you need to try several sequences to find the one you want, turn offCapture Selections. Once you decide what you want to capture, turnCapture Selections back on. If you make a mistake, select Clear and startcapturing the sequence again. Keep in mind that Clear removes allcaptured content from the Button Capture window.Turning Edit Mode OnTo edit a vocabulary file or any resource linked to it (pages, buttons, etc.),you must activate Edit Mode. You can edit a vocabulary file on the deviceor by using Chat Editor.Device: Choose Menu > Edit Mode. All the buttons are outlined, and thewords “Edit Mode”, followed by the current vocabulary and page names,appear in red across the bottom row of keys.Editor: Choose Edit Mode from the menu bar. All the buttons areoutlined and “Edit Mode” is selected.Important! Before you start editing a vocabulary file:Copying a file from one platform to another will overwrite the existingfile. To avoid overwriting others’ changes, coordinate with anyone elsewho may edit vocabulary files to make sure that you are working withthe current copy. Always copy the file with changes to the other platform.This will ensure that both the device and the Editor are current.