NOVA chat User’s Guide Page 120Restricting AccessWhen you want to prevent the user from changing application settings,accessing operating system features, or using apps, you can do any ofthe following: Block access to application settings; block access to theoperating system and apps; block access to application settings AND theoperating system and apps.• To prevent the user from accessing application settings, enableMenu Lock.• To prevent the user from accessing operating system settingsand apps, enable Kiosk Mode.• To prevent the user from accessing application settings,operating system settings, and apps, enable both Menu Lockand Kiosk Mode.Enabling Menu LockTo block the user’s access to the menu bar, enable Menu Lock.1. Choose Menu > Settings.2. Enable Menu Lock. A Password prompt will be displayed with akeyboard.3. Enter a password, confirm the password, and choose Save.Locking the DeviceChoose Menu > Lock. The following prompt will be displayed: EnableKiosk too?• To lock the device and enable Kiosk mode, choose Yes.• To lock the device without enabling Kiosk mode, choose No.