NOVA chat User’s Guide Page 53Symbols, photographs, visual scenes, videos, or words can be used onthe message, topic, and script pages. Included are pages that facilitatesupported communication techniques, self-advocacy, directing care,and repair of communication breakdowns. Types of informationtypically included in communication books—such as pain and emotionscales, maps, and templates for personal information and life stories—are also incorporated into the vocabulary file. Specialized featuresinclude variable “rate of speech” and “pause between words”. Grid sizeand vocabulary are easily customized to reflect and support the lifeexperiences of the person with aphasia.Although this vocabulary file contains starting-point vocabularycommonly required by adults with aphasia, it must be customized. Eachperson has a unique history, and the file must reflect that person’s life,experiences, and abilities.EssenceEssence is specifically designed for adults with acquired speechdisorders. The home page of Essence contains a spelling keyboard inaddition to quick links to pages of commonly used phrases forcommunication with those you regularly interact with in your family andcommunity. Other pages contain commonly used vocabulary that maybe needed for a visit to the doctor, using public transportation, goingout to eat, etc. Each page is completely customizable to meet thespecific vocabulary needs of each individual.MultiChat 15MultiChat 15 features a 15-button layout and is available in threeversions: one for school-aged individuals with emerging language skills,one for adolescents, and one for adults. There are multiple forms ofcommunication available in this program: sentences, phrases, individualwords, recordings for story-telling, and visual scenes. Also included areinteractive play and reading pages, social pages and a News-2-Youstarter page for the weekly newspaper’s vocabulary. There are symbolson every button with the exception of several core words.