Chapter 6 - Understanding the Waypoints Function957 Operator’s Manual, Rev. B Page 836. To move waypoints and routes from this unit into theother unit, press the START key. The status bar displaysthe message TRANSFERRING and updates every secondwith the number of waypoints and routes sent comparedto the total quantity to be sent. The progress bar, locatedbelow the status bar, graphically shows the percentagecompleted.If there’s a problem with the transfer process, thefollowing messages may appear:• If the other unit is off-line, the master unit displays thedialog-box message TRANSFER ABORTED BYCOMMUNICATION TIMEOUT and the status-bar messageCOMMUNICATION ERROR.• If the master unit doesn’t have any waypoints and routes,the master unit displays the dialog-box message NOWAYPTS OR ROUTES TO TRANSFER and the status-barmessage NO TRANSFER DONE.• If the other unit is completely full of waypoints and routes(no more room available), the master unit displays thedialog-box message REMOTE UNIT STATUS ERROR [002]DATABASE FULL and the status-bar message TRANSFERERROR.7. If the transfer is successful, the status bar displays themessage TRANSFER COMPLETE. You can now press anykey to resume other operations.Transferring waypoints to and from a PCIf you’ve stored many waypoints or routes in the 957, or ifthese waypoints are the only record you have of theseimportant locations, you may want to keep a separate copy onyour PC.You can transfer waypoints and routes to your PC by usingNorthstar’s loader cable (part number 1100-LC) and specialtransfer software provided by third-party vendors. This letsyou copy, edit, or plot waypoints and routes, and, mostimportant, reload them from your PC into your 957 if they’reaccidentally erased or lost due to equipment failure. For