Page 34 957 Operator’s Manual, Rev. BChapter 4 - Using the Chart ScreenUnderstanding electronic chartsEach Navionics chart cartridge contains electronic chart datafrom several paper charts. Electronic charts have much of theinformation from the original paper charts, although spotdepth soundings, some nav aids, and other data may bemissing. When used with caution, electronic charts open up aworld of navigational accuracy and simplicity.Chart boundarylinesThe 957 displays the boundary line of each chart on theCHART screen. To turn this feature off, press the CHARTSETUP key on the CHART screen, then press the CHARTDETAIL key and turn off the CHART EDGES option.Chart details If you move from a highly detailed chart to a less detailed one,you may see a sudden change in the detail shown on thescreen, just as if you had changed from one detailed paperchart to a less detailed one. You may be able to use thedisplayed boundary lines to predict when this change in detailis going to happen.CAUTION!Don’t become overly confident when using electronic charts.Always be cautious!