Chapter 10 - Using Special Functions957 Operator’s Manual, Rev. B Page 131Understanding TideTrack ™The 957 calculates tide information for any of over 3,540 NOS/NOAA tide stations. To display this information, press theSTAR key until you see the TIDE TRACK screen.The entire U.S. coastline--including Alaska and Hawaii--iscovered, plus many Caribbean islands and eastern and westernCanada. Tides can be displayed for any date up to the year2010. Data is from the official tide-table predictions andshould be as accurate as the printed tables. For moreinformation about tides, see Tide Tables published by the NOS/NOAA, Rockville, Maryland 20852.The water height for any 24-hour period is displayed for theselected NOAA tide station.The name of the selected tide station and the selected day areshown at the top of the screen.Honk Anchor alarm Set ANCHOR ALARM toONSet HONK OUTPUT toANCHOR ALMThe alarm icon flashes, and the alarmbeeps (if the alarm audio is on), thenafter 10 seconds the honk sequencestarts.Table 7: Beep and honk settings for all alarms (continued)Sound Type Setting(s) Description