Chapter 2 - Introducing the Northstar 951/952951/952 Operator’s Manual Rev. B Page 23• zoom out to show more area• restart the desired track line to run directly from yourposition to the waypoint, “zeroing” the cross-track errordisplay• change the options available for the CHART screen• display additional information in any INFO BARat the bot-tom of the screen• go to a point, nav aid, waypoint, or unmarked pointselected by the cursorFor more information on using the CHART, see ”Displayingyour present position on a chart” starting on page 42.Loran TDs If you have lists of fishing spots and other waypoints recordedas loran time differences (TDs), the unit automatically convertsGPS coordinates to loran TDs. This feature is called PhantomLoran™. You can display your position as TDs or enter way-points as TDs. The accuracy to be expected from this conver-sion is generally better than 500 to 1500 feet. You can alsointerface your existing loran receiver to the unit, and then dis-play and navigate with real-time loran TDs. These featuresgreatly ease the transition from using loran to using GPS. Forfurther details on using loran TDs, see ”Using loran” startingon page 67.TideTrack™ TideTrack displays a 24-hour tide graph for any of over 3,000NOAA tide stations covering the entire U.S. coast, includingAlaska and Hawaii, as well as much of the eastern and westernCanadian coastline. Tides can be shown for today or any otherday you choose. For more information on using TideTrack, see”Understanding TideTrack™” starting on page 139.Understanding the display screenThe unit’s Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen and all its con-trols are lighted for nighttime use. The display is easily read-able under all conditions from full sunlight to total darkness.In addition, the 952 offers three different color options for its