Chapter 9 - Using Nav Log951/952 Operator’s Manual Rev. B Page 129NOTE:Remember, estimated times are only estimates. They may be inaccuratebecause your Speed-Over-Ground may have changed, either intention-ally or by passing through varying currents.Your Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) at the last waypoint inthe route is shown at the top of the screen. A darkened arrowconnecting the right ends of two waypoint boxes indicatesyou’ve completed that leg of the trip.Reversing the tripYou can reverse the trip at any time (that is, navigate to routewaypoints in reverse order) by pressing the 5(9(56( menukey.Adding waypoints to the tripYou can add waypoints to the trip by pressing the $33(1':$<37 menu key. Any waypoints added to the trip in the navlog aren’t permanently appended to the route in the unit’s mem-ory. To make permanent changes to the route, you must usethe edit route functions (see ”Editing a route” starting on page105).NOTE:Waypoints are automatically entered and organized in the nav log if younavigate to a waypoint or along a route (using the GO TO function).A chart view of the waypoints stored in memory is displayedon the APPEND WAYPT screen. Press the &856253$' toselect the desired waypoint. Press the 6(/(&7:$<37 menukey and then the (17(5 key to add the waypoint to the navlog. Repeat for any other waypoints you want to add.Stopping navigationWhen you press the 6723 menu key, the system stops navi-gating, and distances to waypoints, bearing to waypoints, andETA or ETE are no longer displayed. For the unit to copy way-points into the nav log and display their navigation informa-