Page 20 951/952 Operator’s Manual Rev. BChapter 2 - Introducing the Northstar 951/952Understanding the featuresUpon using the unit, you’ll see that you can quickly learn tooperate the system’s various features without constantly refer-ring to this manual. After you’ve read through the manualonce, you probably won't have to refer to it very often.Because the unit anticipates your most frequent requests fornavigation information, accessing most functions requiresonly one or two keypresses. By minimizing the attentionneeded to navigate, you can now devote more time to otheraspects of your trip.The unit’s features include the following.GPS features • 12-channel GPS precision and dependability• accurate, worldwide position data in any weather, 24hours a day• optional, built-in, two-channel, fully automatic DGPS bea-con receiver for accuracy as good as 1-3 meters• fast signal acquisition• fast-reacting, accurate speed and courseNavigation features • high-resolution, high-speed CHART screen (color screenin the 952) showing:> position relative to nearby waypoints> your recent track line> your intended course line> avoidance areas• lat/lon display• tide-prediction software integrated with the navigationdisplay (at any U.S. and Canadian NOAA tide station fortoday or any other date)Waypoints androutes• stores up to 1,000 waypoints and 500 routes• displays waypoints: