Installation Guide for Comfort Pack (CPG) Units16Instructions for Changing Pressure Switch1. Open the burner/control compartment access panel. Locatethe pressure switch.2. Mark and disconnect the two wires attached to the pressureswitch.3. Disconnect the flow sensing tubing from the pressure switch.4. Locate the two screws holding the switch mounting bracket.Remove the screws (save screws) and the pressure switch.5. Install the high altitude pressure switch. Attach the sensingtube and wires. Replace access panel.SIZE P/N DESCRIPTIONALL 14208325 Set to break on pressureincrease @ -0.5” w.c.Derating by Valve Outlet PressureAdjustment for High AltitudeOperationInstructions1. Determine the required valve outlet pressure for the elevationwhere the heater will be operating. If unsure of the elevation,contact the local gas supplier.METER TIME IN MINUTES AND SECONDS FOR NORMALINPUT RATING OF FURNACES EQUIPPED FOR NATURAL OR LP GASINPUTBTU/HRMETERSIZECU. FT.HEATING VALUE OF GAS BTU PER CU. FT.900 1000 1040 1100 2500MIN. SEC. MIN. SEC. MIN. SEC. MIN. SEC. MIN. SEC.50,000 ONETEN 110 550 112 1200 112 1530 113 1812 330 200075,000 ONETEN 07 4412 08 480 08 5019 08 5348 220 00100,000 ONETEN 05 3324 06 360 06 3815 06 4036 115 300125,000 ONETEN 04 2619 04 2948 05 300 05 3217 112 120150,000 ONETEN 03 3136 04 240 04 2510 04 2620 110 00Input BTU/HR = Heating Value of Gas (BTU/Ft3) x 3600 x correction factorTime in Seconds (for 1 cu.ft.) of GasNOTE: THIS ADJUSTMENT CAN ONLYBE DONE AFTER THE HEATER IS INOPERATION. IT IS INCLUDED IN THESTARTUP PROCEDURESVALVE OUTLET PRESSURESETTINGS BY ELEVATIONALTITUDE NATURALGAS(Inches w.c.)PROPANEGAS(Inchesw.c.)Feet Meters0-2000 ALL 3.5 10.02001-3000 ALL 2.8 7.73001-4000 ALL 2.5 7.14001-5000 ALL 2.3 6.45001-6000 ALL 2.1 5.86001-7000 ALL 1.9 5.27001-8000 ALL 1.7 4.68001-9000 ALL 1.5 4.12. With the manual valve positioned to prevent flow to the mainburner, connect a manometer to the 1/8” pipe outlet pressuretap in the valve. Use a water column manometer that isreadable to the nearest tenth of an inch.3. Remove the cap from the pressure adjusting screwand adjust the valve outlet pressure to the pressuresetting selected from the table. Cycle the main burner onceor twice to properly seat the adjustment spring in the valve.Re-check the pressure. If necessary, re-adjust the pressure.When the pressure is correct, remove the manometer andreplace the cap. Check for leaks at the pressure tap fitting.4. With the heater operating determine that the inlet pressureto the heater for natural gas is between 5 and 13.5 inchesw.c., and for propane between 10 and 13.5 inches w.c. Takethis reading as close as possible to the heater (heaters areequipped with gas valves that have an inlet pressure tap.) Ifthe inlet is not within the specified range, the inlet pressuremust be corrected and Steps 3 and 4 repeated.5. Find the Valve Outlet Pressure Adjustment label in the plasticbag that contained these instructions. Using a permanentmarker, fill in the pressure setting. Adhere the label on theheater near the gas valve so that it is conspicuous to someoneserving the valve.