Chapter 3.0 The PowerSeries Neo Security System3.3 MonitoringThis system is capable of transmitting alarms, troubles and emergency information. If you initiatean alarm by mistake, immediately call the central station to prevent an unnecessary response.Note: For CP-01 systems, the monitoring function must be enabled by the installer before itbecomes functional. There is a communicator delay of 30 seconds in this control panel. It can beremoved, or it can be increased up to 45 seconds, at the option of the end-user by consulting withthe installer.3.4 MaintenanceWith normal use, the system requires minimum maintenance. Note the following points:l Do not wash the security equipment with a wet cloth. Light dusting with a slightlymoistened cloth should remove normal accumulations of dust.l Use the system test described in “Testing Your System” to check the battery condition.We recommend, however, that the standby batteries be replaced every 3-5 years.l For other system devices such as smoke detectors, passive infrared, ultrasonic ormicrowave motion detectors or glassbreak detectors, consult the manufacturer’s literaturefor testing and maintenance instructions.- 8 -