Communicating with Your NEC Versa 6-7Installing the Online Modem GuideFor additional information about your modem’s AT commands and s-registers, use theA&D CD to install the online modem guide for your system. To determine the guidethat is appropriate for your system, go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, andselect the Device Manager tab. Double click Modem to identify the name of yoursystem’s modem. Use the A&D CD to install the online modem guide of the samename to your NEC Versa hard drive.Internet ConnectionsYour NEC Versa FX system is equipped with the Windows operating system toprovide a fully-integrated internet experience. Use the Internet Connection Wizard onyour desktop to configure your system for email and internet access. Sign up for a newaccount or configure your system to use an existing account. The Internet ConnectionWizard offers the following choices:! Sign-up for a new internet account. Take advantage of the Microsoft InternetReferral Service.! Transfer an existing internet account.! Manually configure an internet account or connect through a local area network(LAN).Before using the Internet Connection wizard to transfer an existing account for emailand internet access, you need an internet service provider (ISP) account and some or allof the following configuration information:! the dial-up telephone number! TCP/IP settings! port settings! a user name/logon and password! your email address! the name of a POP3, IMAP, or HTTP server (for incoming mail)! the name of an SMTP server (for outgoing mail)