7197 Owner’s Guide Chapter 4: DiagnosticsNovember 2002 494. Press the Paper Feed Button to make the selections.The instructions indicate whether to select something with a short click, a long click, ora series of short clicks. Indicate Yes with a long click, No with a short click.Press and hold the Paper Feed Button for at least one second for a long click. Press thePaper Feed Button quickly for a short click.5. When finished, set DIP Switch 1 to Off and reset printer.Communication Interface ModesThe Configuration Menu gives the user the option of setting the printer to use an RS-232Cserial port. (See “Configuring the Printer” for instructions on how to enter theConfiguration Menu.)RS-232C Interface SettingsIf the user sets the printer to use an RS-232C serial interface, the Configuration Menu canbe used to set the following RS-232C specific settings:• Set a baud rate 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200 baud• Set the number of data bits to seven or eight• Set the number of stop bits to one or two• Enable or disable parity• Set flow control to software (XON/XOFF) or Hardware (DTR/DSR)• Set the printer to ignore data errors or print a “?” upon encountering an errorThe settings used will depend on the software the operator is using and the capabilities ofthe host computer.Press the paper feed buton for the communications settings you want.Defaults are marked with asterisks (*).** SET INTERFACE TYPE ?YES -> Long ClickNO -> Short ClickRS232/USB* -> 1 ClickRS232 -> 2 ClicksUSB -> 3 ClicksEnter code, then hold Button DownAt least 1 second to validate** SET BAUD RATE ?YES -> Long ClickNO -> Short Click115200 Baud -> 1 Click57600 Baud -> 2 Clicks38400 Baud -> 3 Clicks