7197 Owner’s Guide Appendix A: SpecificationsNovember 2002 201ReliabilityThe numbers in the table refer to the Mean Cycle Between Failure (MCBF) for the itemsindicated.Thermal Receipt Printer 45 Million LinesElectronics 460,000 On time HoursCommunications Card 1,300,000 On Time HoursControl Panel 33,000,000 On Time HoursKnife 1 Million CutsPower Supply 200,000 On-time HoursDimensions and WeightHeight 154.90 mm (6.1 Inches)Height with Cover Open 255.05 mm (10.1 Inches)Width 145.50 mm (5.7 Inches)Depth 182.40 mm (7.2 Inches)Weight 1.53 Kg (3.4 Pounds)Density of Receipt Print LinesWhen the receipt station prints high density print lines (graphics), it automatically slowsdown to a rate slower than 902 lines per minute. High density print lines are defined aslines with over 50% of the dots printing on the line (there are 576 total dot columns on theprint station).Duty Cycle Restrictions (Printing Solid Blocks)There are restrictions on the duty cycle because of the heat generated by the receiptthermal print head when printing solid blocks (regardless of the length of the block inrelation to the print line). The restrictions are ambient temperature, the percentage of time(measured against one minute) of continuous solid printing, and the amount of coverage.Caution: When the duty cycle approches the limits shown in the table, the receipt printhead will heat up and shut down. This may damage the print head.To avoid this problem, do one or a combination of the following:1. Reduce the amount of coverage.2. Reduce the time of continuous solid printing.3. Reduce the ambient temperature.Ambient TemperatureAmount of Solid Coverage 25° C 35° C 50° C